Sunday, September 17, 2017

Google Rocks!

Question 1.    Google set itself apart from other search engines, such as Yahoo, Alta Vista, and WebCrawler, by their persistence in innovation. Google made great  acquisitions, such as YouTube, to further strengthen their business. Google also purchased companies, such as Picasa (which they have retired), but used Picasa to build off of and produce their improved version, called Google Photos. Google has become so successful by continuing to expand and innovate.  Google has pushed beyond being a great search engine to becoming the world's most valuable company, surpassing Apple.

Question 2. The corporate culture of Google differs from other companies primarily on how they treat their employees. Google instituted a TGIF policy, which involves meetings that they hold on Friday afternoons, where all employees can find out what has transpired within the company throughout the week. This keeps all employees up-to-date with what is going on, and no employee is left in the dark regardless of their position in the company. This policy is not something that is used with most companies. Another major difference between Google and other companies is their work atmosphere. Google believes in keeping the work place fun and relaxing for all employees. They have such features as scooters, slides, nap rooms, and massages, to name a few. I do believe this has helped them to become more successful because happy employees are productive employees.

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