Monday, September 4, 2017

History of social media. Will it ever end?

      The history of social media is definitely a complex one. From the dot com rise and fall in the early 2000s, to doing virtually everything online these days. The dot com era was fast and furious, everyday in the early 2000s their was a new great idea that sprouted up, and just as quickly went away. The dot com crash came from an abundance of websites trying to peddle very similar items and ideas. When a market gets flooded with similar businesses it is just a matter of time before you start to see them dwindle. However, their are some sites that came from web 2.0 who have had great successes and continue to grow.
     Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have seen some of the most success in the social media realm. These sites, reinvented themselves after the dot com crash by really giving the general public what they wanted in a social media setting. I, myself am guilty of persecuting social media such as Facebook, but then turn right around and log in to see whats new. Social media is so much more than just seeing what a buddy or family member is up to these days. It can help grow new business, and even give an existing business new life by being more accessible to the general public through online searches. I do not see an end in site any time soon when it comes to social media. This is no longer just a fad, but a way of life. Majority of people today would be lost without a smartphone, tablet, or pc. In a pole conducted by Maxim Magazine in October 2016, an overwhelming 73% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 35 get world news from such social media sites such as Facebook. Where would the world be if social media came to a sudden hault and was not longer available? People may actually have to look at each other and talk to one another again, heck some may even have to pick up the phone and call the people they are wanting to communicate with... What was I thinking, text messaging would still exist :)

1 comment:

  1. This reads as a directed summary with the intent of showing how social media is here to stay, with a slightly cynical eye. I can respect that! :-)

    However, there are a few significant problems here, not least of which is that you don't actually even reference the article you are supposed to be writing an analysis on.

    Secondly, this doesn't meet the 500 word minimum for all blog entries, something easily resolved if you actually did discuss the article in addition to making your points here.

    Finally, do a finally proofread and edit on your documents. I found a few examples of run ons, fragments and general structural problems.

    Thanks for the response!
