Saturday, October 21, 2017

I am TrUtH

         “The more we read and watch online, the harder it becomes to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s fake. It’s as if we know more but understand less (Lynch, 2017).” This quote is pretty close to spot on to the way I feel about today’s technology at the tip of your fingers. So many people rely on the internet for news feeds. This is where most people today get information about what is going on the world. The problem with that is, WHAT IS TRUTH!?! If most internet companies tailor their search engines and newsfeeds to the individual’s needs, and likes, then how in the hell will you get the “real news” about what is going on in the world. If you are only seeing things that meet your likes and dislikes, how will you ever know the real? You must always remember that there are two sides to every story.
     A prime example of this, are those out there who are anti-guns, these people will only view how firearms are, and how a world without civilians owning firearms will be a great, and peaceful world.

      Most anti firearm people, or as I call them “do-gooders,” believe that the truth is that guns kill people. Therefore, only law enforcement officials should be allowed to carry firearms. Most searches that the do-gooders will look at online are sites that will reconfirm their personal views on firearms. Majority of the newsfeeds that will pop up on whatever the favorite social network may be, will only show them articles and “fake news” to also reconfirm their own personal views and beliefs, since most internet sites tailor their newsfeeds to people’s personal biases. On the other side of the coin you have people like me, who is a card carrying and proud member of the NRA. In return, the same thing applies to me and people who share my beliefs. All of the newsfeeds that I receive through social media reflect my views and personal biases. Just like the anti’s believe that guns kill people, and those who carry firearms (aside from law enforcement officials) are criminals. I feel that guns kill people just like my pencil got me a damn F on my exam. It is not guns that kill people, it is people that kill people. Now that I had to throw my own personal little rant into this blog, let’s see if we can get back on track…
    The more accessible the internet has become to the majority of us, the more garbage gets thrown in along with it. What is real? What is the truth? If you only get news that tailors you own personal views, and “fake news” about the things you do not believe in, the stronger your stance will become against those with opposing views. With so many trolls out there uploading garbage on to the internet, i.e. fake celebrity death newsfeeds, they are able to manipulate people and misinform many of us.
What is TRUTH? What is REAL? What is FACT? What is FICTION?
    Have a nice day, and remember the sky isn’t blue…


  1. Very good blog Danny, I really liked the example you used, guns use. You are well informed which means you can actually talk about it without just believe in what you see. Good job!

  2. You know, I used to be a big fan of The Onion, a wonderful satirical fake newspaper. The difference between what they did and "fake news" is that The Onion never pretended to be anything but satirical whereas fake news sources consistently spread lies that they KNOW are lies.

    Fox News is notorious for this, spreading some fake story like the pizzagate incident, which prompted one crazy person to go armed to that pizza place and threaten the owners, which they later rescinded... very quietly. Conspiracy theories like Alex Jones and his InfoWars site is another source of consistently debunked nonsense that people believe. It's called confirmation bias; these fake news sources say what people WANT to believe because of their particular biases.

    In any case, great response. And thanks for admitting your own confirmation bias! As a gun owner who is also for regulation, I find myself straddling the fence on this issue and reading ALL perspectives, including the "do gooders" and the "ammosexuals". :-)
