Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Good, the Bad, and the Googly

     The moral bias that runs online search engines is a constant, and as long as humans have a say, as to what is or is not allowed to remain on the search engines. There will always be a moral bias. The perfect example is what Andreas Ekstrom mentioned in his TedTalk speech. Why was a photo of Michelle Obama, whose face morphed into a monkey removed from the search engines? Is it because she is a high profile and respected individual? Was it because it was a purely racist photo? And who decides what stays and what should be removed from search engines?

     Here is a prime example of moral bias. When the morphed photo of Michelle Obama hit the search engines, it was deemed to be racist and morally wrong to leave such a photo to be viewed by the general public. However, this photoshopped picture of Donald Trump hanging out with the KKK is perfectly acceptable to leave on search engines. Is it because Trump has been ridiculed from day one when he announced he would be running for the Presidency of the United States. This is where moral bias really takes place. The fact that President Trump is the butt of many jokes, and is continuously ridiculed seems to make this photo acceptable to remain on search engines. Now, would this be the case if those who moderate and write the code for these search engines were pro Trump? I would venture to guess that these photos of Trump would be removed, just as the photos of Michelle Obama were removed.
     This is now the average photo of Obama that is allowed to on search engines. So once again, who decides what is and what is not morally acceptable?

     Moral bias will always be prevalent as long as people have an opinion, and a moral statute to which they hold themselves. I do not feel that it was wrong to remove the morphed picture of Obama, however, I do not feel that it is right to leave such photos like the example given of President Trump. Why shouldn’t there be equality for what can be found on search bars? All though equality should exist, I do not believe that it ever will. Since people who control and moderate search bars have their own bias towards some and not others, equality will always be on the back burner.
     I just wonder what would happen if someone loads a picture of me and morphs my head into a taco, if it would be removed from the search engines? Such a photo could definitely be considered racist since I am Hispanic. Or would it just remain since I am a nobody from Las Cruces, New Mexico and not a high powered well respected individual like Michelle Obama.         Just food for thought, I hope you enjoyed my blog on The Good, The Bad and The Googly.


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