Sunday, November 19, 2017

Twitter Champion of the World

I have to start off by saying that this is going to be the most difficult blog I have had to write, I have no idea how I am going to stretch this to meet my 500 word minimum. As a class we were asked to do a Twitter challenge, to see how many followers we could get. Well I have to be totally honest, I had absolutely zero interest in doing this. I have never used Twitter in my life, prior to this class, and I have to be honest, after this class is over I will be deleting my Twitter account.
     For the person who receives the most followers on Twitter, they will be awarded an AWESOME point. I have no idea what an AWESOME point is but I figured since a am a rather AWESOME mamba-jamba I would play along and see how it goes. Aside from sheer confusion when I first started Tweeting stuff, not really understanding how this site really benefits people on a personal level. 
     I didn't do much of anything to get followers, I watched a short tutorial about the easiest ways to obtain followers without having to pay a site to get you followers. This tutorial instructed me to start liking and following random crap that was trending, and also to retweet all kinds of stuff that I was interested in, so that is exactly what I did. I started following stuff that interested me such as; #bassfishing, #coyotehunters, #donaldtrumpsupporters, #denverbroncos, #pokerplayers. I then went through each of the major sites I followed and started following all of there followers, I sure hope what I just said makes sense to you. So here I am randomly clicking follow over and over for each site that had many followers, I was also retweeting random crap that I thought people may like. During all the time I was doing this I was questioning why anybody would take this stuff seriously, I grew more and more confused as I was plugging along.
     As far as things I would do to obtain more followers in the future, the answer is quite simple... I wouldn't! I have no intention on ever Tweeting again, unless I have another class in the future that requires it. To me, having many followers is just like having a gazillion Facebook friends. I don't know these people, they truly aren't my friends, so why the hell do I need so many? This whole social media thing makes truly no sense to me. The other day I was sitting at Starbucks and I over heard these two younger people talking about all the friends they had on Facebook and how popular they were, and all I could think is how sad. It is truly a sad day when people consider having a ton of friends on a social media site that they have never met, and consider themselves popular.
    To summarize my "success," I started off with 3 followers and now have 221. I was originally following 3 people and I am now following 1,495.  Anyway I am done for now #twittersux #dazedandconfused #thunderdanout

1 comment:

  1. Dude! That's an amazing increase! Congrats. I suspect you'll be in the running. It's a tricky competition but I'm hoping we get some feedback from the winners on how they did it on the Hangout message I send out about the winners. Thanks for trying! It's not easy.
